My "kids" had to go home tonight. But before letting them go, we visited, played games, ate a lot cheesecake, and went for a hike at Lake Pleasant.
Gennette plays tug-o-war with Cierra and Lily while Melissa watches from the safety of her lap.
Lily playing with the old basketball. It has holes it in, which makes it perfectly squishy for the dogs.
A wink and a lick from Lily.
Cierra, intently watching Lily.
Melissa, looking for protection from the big dogs.
We took the dogs for a hike at Morgan City Wash at Lake Pleasant. I've hiked MCW several times and I am always awed by how the scenery changes. I'm never sure how many miles the hike is, three or four miles maybe. It's not far but there's so much to see: rocks, trees, cactus, water, etc. I took over 300 photos, it was difficult for me to narrow it down to "just a few".
James, Gennette and Lily, at the beginning of the hike.
Lake Pleasant.
Cierra's pet rock. She selected the rock and carried it for about a half mile before dropping it. She picked up the same rock on the way back. Being the good mom that I am, I brought it home since she went to so much effort to carry it and remember it on the walk back.
Cierra with her pet rock.
Each time we hike here, James scrambles up this same location for a look around.
Views from the trail.
Cierra and Lily. Notice Lily is still white here, this doesn't last long.
One of many water crossings. The dogs had so much fun.
A wet dog is a happy dog.
Cierra and Lily.
Playing in the water.
Running this way...
...and that way.
Initially these steps lead to a walk across a tree that was a few feet over the water. The tree is at ground level now, but still fun to walk across.
The dogs head uphill.
Fluffy things in nature.
Cierra eating grass.
It was 60 degrees, a beautiful day.
Looking up.
A tiny waterfall, the water is just a few inches deep.
Cierra getting a drink.
Bird feathers littered the ground, both dogs stopped for a smell.
Cierra with her muddy paws, she had so much fun.
A little boardwalk, this is new to me.
I found the Trevor Page Eagle Scout placard on the ground.
Happy, muddy girls.
James and Gennette in "the tree". This is one of many landmarks along this hike.
Cierra and views from the trail.
Playing in the water.
Cierra swimming in "the pool". Three years ago this dog was terrified of water. Now she leaps with joy in to the water. We've done this hike often enough that she knows getting out of this pool is slippery but I'll be there to help her out.
Neat colors in the caliche.
Gennette looking thoughtful.
James crossed the pool and climbed the big rocks.
Cierra talking to James. She had stories to tell to James while he was up high.
Cierra crossed the pool and climbed up to James.
Lily found soft sand to roll in.
I think this tree indicates which way the wind blows.
Another landmark along this hike, the car. As the years go by, less of the car is visible.
Some of James' photos from the hike:
oh my. your GSDs are BEAUTIFUL! If you've checked out my other blog, you'll see mine. I LOVE GSD. I am excited to read your blog.
My babies would have loved that trail! Cierra blends in well in the backgrounds of the pictures.
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