The days are lazy, and yet not.
I walk. I hike. It's good for my body and soul to be outside.
My Honey walks with me, we visit the neighborhood parks and let Cierra play on the playground. She likes slides as much as any child would.
We're dog sitting, and tiny dog Melissa is doing really well.

Melissa relaxing.

Cierra playing ball in the river.

Cierra and I, playing at the river.

Me and My Honey xo

A happy girl riding in the back of the truck.

The little dog inside the big dogs kennel.

Sunset. I love where I live.
One of my favorite Christmas tree ornaments are the snowflakes.
A sparrow moving from one hummingbird feeder to the other.
Same sparrow, watching and waiting. I sit on my back patio and read in the sunshine, the birds are accustomed to seeing me sitting there.
My sleepy girl, on the dog bed under the desk. Her tangle of feet made me smile.
A beautiful, warm, sunny day. PJ plays with Melissa in the yard.
Dog pile :)
One of Melissa's favorite things to do is snuggle up with her face on PJ's chest.
"Rawr!", time to rough it up a little.
*snort* This made me laugh, Cierra is focused on something behind me.
Sleepy time.
My blissful girl, napping in the sunshine.
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