There was a dilapidated shed on the park property with photos and papers strewn about. Even as a child I liked old photographs, so I scooped them up and took them home.
With the collection of old photos is one newspaper clipping, which is where I am gleaning most of the information from. My best guess of the year would be between 1961, perhaps late 1960, through 1963.
Years later when I was in high school, I showed the old photos to my step-dad who confirmed the boy scout Steve Spielberg referenced in the article was the same Steven Spielberg, film director and film producer.
Spielberg did indeed spend some of his childhood in Scottsdale, Arizona and was a boy scout.
I thought that not only Spielberg, but several others named in this newspaper clipping might like to see the dusty old photographs I found as a child.
(Click to enlarge photos).

"Leaders in the Troop 294 Court of Honor held Thursday night at Ingleside school are shown with major award winners. Left to right are Bill Smith, Scoutmaster; Ray Chenhall, Doug McCoy, Ray Detrick, and Randy Patten, Star Scouts; Tim Dietz and Steve Spielberg, Life Scouts, and Al McCoy, assistant Scoutmaster".

Other names in the newspaper clipping include:
Ball Ralston, Barry VanPatten, Bill Hoffman, Bill Ralston, Bill Smith, Bob Broehl, Bob Chance, Bob Stickle, Chris Klontz, Chuck James, Craig Tenney, Curtis Miller, Dick Neumann, Don Chenhall, Don Hendon, Don Smith, Don Snyder, Doug McCoy, Doug Wise, Dwight Wise, Grant Blanco, Jim Giezi, Jim O'Neal, Jim Thomson, Jim Utz, John O’Neal, John Reque, Mark Clark, Mike Hood, Pat Payne, Phil Graham, Ralph Greenthal, Randy VanPatten, Ray Chenhall, Ray Detrick, Son Smith, Steve Peugh, Steve Franklin, Steve Haasis, Steve Helgeson, Steve Peugh, Steve Spielberg, Terry Peugh, Tim Dietz, and Tom Dietz.

The back of this photo reads "Site 14 Dam 1963".

Last but not least, on the reverse side of the newspaper clipping:

"The first... Harvey Money, manager of Money Olds in Scottsdale, hands the keys to the buyer of the first 1961 F-85 Oldsmobile. The new model was purchased by Harry Baker of Lewis Avenue. The new 1961 Oldsmobile models are now on display in the Money salesroom".
1 comment:
These are amazing photos! Wow! I remember being a minor player in the troop. Thanks for posting these. Ted Decker, Phoenix
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