Cierra, loving the water.
"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?". Just kidding :) I'm not sure if this tree is cut by beavers or man.
One of the mountaintop LZ's, Jordon and Oliva help Bill unload his dog Anne Brown from the helicopter.
Bill with his dog Anne Brown.
Colorado mountains with a dusting of snow.
Beautiful views.
Cierra sleeping while we fly. She had a fun, busy day.
Colorado's beautiful mountains.
Colorado's beautiful mountains.
This made me laugh. Humor in nature.
Cierra at the staging area, helping watch the dirt bags ;) The little bags are soil samples, the big bags are full of little bags. The coiled up line is the 150' long line for the helicopter, but we're not doing any long line work with this job.
My beautiful girl.
Scenery along the drive from Durango to Telluride.
Scenery along the drive from Durango to Telluride.
Scenery along the drive from Durango to Telluride.
Telluride Regional Airport.
Cierra, patiently waiting and watching the activity around her.
The view from our hotel room.
The view from our hotel room.
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