Welcome to Inigok... the white quonset-shaped tent is the kitchen, where I spend most of my time. The A-framed wall tents are used for storage or recreation. The small yellow tents are not currently occupied. Inigok Lake is in the background. All camp water is pulled from the lake, drinking and cooking water is filtered or boiled.
Looking West of camp, where the helicopters land and the USGS dome.
Home away from home, a wall tent. A sunny, breezy day - a good day to hang laundry to dry. A brisk breeze is highly desired, it keeps the mosquitoes away.
Keelan's Bristow N363AL and PJ's Heli-Dunn N31MH.
PJ's helicopter, sitting quietly on her day off.
My little friend. She is an Arctic Ground Squirrel.
PJ's collection of feathers, the large feather is from a Rough Legged Hawk.
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