“Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.” ― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

07 February 2014

Dog Days

Kasey at the dog park, she looked happier and more relaxed than I'd ever seen her! 
After the dog park, we played at the playground.  
Kasey and Roxy.  
Boca loves stuffies and pillows.
Boca is a princess.
Boca and moo.
My sweet girl.  Well, ok, not always sweet, but she's mine.  
Zane, my cuddle hunde.
At the dog park, training Lacey with distractions.  
My Honey was hustling, Lacey can't react to another (rude) dog if she has to concentrate on moving forward.  Dog parks are the best place to find the worst dogs.
Kasey, at the dog park.  
Lacey and Kasey.
Lacey and friends at the dog park.
Kasey's family!  I think it made Kasey's day to see them!  
Trust and confidence building at the playground.
Yay!  Good girl Kasey! 
Lacey's turn - the slide had big bumps on it, what's the purpose of a slide like that?!  
Good girl Lacey.
Good girl Roxy.
Kasey's momma gave us treats for the whole dog pack!  Thank you Kimberly!  
Bully sticks for everyone! 
Cierra would share her bully stick with her cat if she had to, but he wasn't interested.  

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