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NM scenery.
On my way toward the GMNP, I stopped near this UFO-looking building to find out if I was driving to GMNP or in to Carlsbad, NM.
The UFO-looking building had a few picnic tables nearby. Both seemed abandoned.
Border patrol check point.
Salt Flat, NM.
Getting closer to the mountains.
Wild Horse Wildfire.
Our helibase.

The USFS crew connects the net to the long line.
My Honey long lining with N9AT.
Green Helibase. I had somewhat vague instructions on how to get here: take 180 to CR-408 to 137/Queen to "Admin" (helibase). I found it.
Smokey sunset.

My Honey with the long line, one of the Huey's and my fuel truck.
The USFS (or Hot Shots) with Cierra. She gets a lot of love from them.
Smokey sunset.
Wild Horse Wildfire.
There's a female pilot flying this Huey.
One of my favorite photos. I'm not sure who this is, one of the guys we see on a regular basis.
The Huey at Green Helibase.
There is always a great deal of wind and dust from the Huey's rotor wash.
Rain delay.
After the rain shower, the Huey's crew quickly washed and dried her and the USFS is ready to fly again.
The Huey.
I try to get a picture of each of the Hot Shot crews logo.

Guadalupe Ranger Station, where Green Helibase is located.
BIA, Zuni Hot Shots.
The Huey.
A few of the Zuni Hot Shot vehicles.
My Honey flying N9AT.
The bucket.
Zuni Hot Shot's logo.
The Huey.
A quiet moment.
Not so quiet, getting ready to fly again.
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