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So much to explore.

I forgot to turn my GPS on at the Jeep. We meandered for about 1.5 miles.
Yummy green grass for Cierra.
Little flowers. Frank told me the names of all the flowers we saw today, but I can't remember them.
Mitchell Spring Wash.
Pausing for a photo.
Views along the way.
A little bit of water, I think this is rainwater.
Views inside Mitchell Spring Wash.
Have you seen my dog?
More water.
Tiny flowers.
Frank and Cierra, cooling their heels in Lake Pleasant.
Mitchell Spring Wash.
Frank is pondering things while Cierra eats grass.
I like these white flowers, each petal is made up of three.
No one was home.
Wading in Lake Pleasant.
Frank said these were called Crown of Thorn trees. I looked for some information about these trees and they might be called Crucifixion Thorn trees. They seem to like this unique soil.
Looking up at the trees.
This - blurry macro shots - is why I will not be keeping the Canon PowerShot SX230.
Yellow flowers. I spy my dog.
Frank asked if I thought this wall of rocks was man made or nature made. It's a tough call but I'm going with nature made.
Balancing act.
Further meandering brings us to Lake Pleasant again.
My pretty girl, at rest.
We only stopped once to remove a cactus sticker from Cierra's paw. I truly value the lack of teddy bear cholla here, they are the devils cactus.
Tiny purple flower.
One of my favorite flower photos for today.
Wee purple flowers.
Lake Pleasant. There were carp swimming here.
My pretty girl.
Turkey vultures.
More swimming.
Lake Pleasant.
Frank and Cierra, watching the fish.
Lake Pleasant.
A warm, beautiful day. It was about 85 degrees today. We watched for snakes taking advantage of the warm Spring weather but didn't see any. They are there though, don't let Mother Nature fool you.
Mitchell Spring Wash.
Taking a close look at a wall of rock.
Cactus bloom.
Say hello to my little friend.
This male was nice enough to give us a long look.
That tipped ear indicates where his friends are located.
The wild burros will let you get just so close, and then they walk away.
A neat rock. If I would have thought about it, Cierra and I could have both had a seat here for a photo opp.
Cierra, watching Frank go one way and the wild burros go the other way.
Wild burros, this was the first time I'd seen one in this color.
Love the butt stripe.
Cierra, still watching.
This young female was chased off by one of the light brown males.
I think this photo of the dark brown burro is my favorite for the day.
This blurry photo is the light brown burro rolling in the dust.
Done rolling, getting back up and shaking off the dust.
Although it was a challenge, Cierra was so good while we were this close to the wild burros.
Cierra, nearing the end of our hike.
Why I love Arizona, so much to see.
An all black bird, singing a lovely song for us.
Frank saying hello to Rusty on our way back to the Jeep.
Rusty and Betty's goats. Cierra had no interest at all in the goats, weird.
The end of the hike, one I'll do again. Thank you Frank =]
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