“Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.” ― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

06 June 2011

Kitten Therapy

Kittens, kittens and more kittens :)
[Click on photos to see them enlarged]

Neko with Cierra. She's fairly fearless, our little street fighter.

Neko's scrappy little claws.

Suki isn't as fond of Cierra yet, but getting better each day.

Squish the kitty.

Neko has the tiger, or the dog, by the tail.

You smell me, I'll smell you.

The kittens turned the ugly chair in to their play area, so we parked Cierra in it to help them get used to her.

Warm rice milk, the best part of their day.

This morning they cleared off most of my desktop, nothing is safe.

One little tinfoil ball = lots of joy.

Neko messing with Cierra.

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