-Summer is here to stay. We'll have 90+ degree days from now until forever.
-My Honey, along with "Red", and his friend Mustafa are driving home from Alaska. They should be home any minute. Or, in about four days. PJ may speak fluent Turkish by the time they arrive in Arizona.
-After Jager's short hike yesterday, I let both girls sleep at the foot of the bed last night. Jager didn't move until I got up at 6am.
-I am thankful for my friends. Over the years I've seen friends and acquaintances come and go, but some friends will stay in my heart forever.
[Click on photos to see them enlarged]
This is blurry, but it's the closest thing I've seen to them spooning.
My miniature rose plant is giving me a new red rose.
Little miss bendy paw. Something bit her leg and she's been licking.
Cierra enjoying the morning sunshine.
Cierra, in her favorite spot in the yard.
I have experience chasing helicopters with my camera. Fox news flew over my house this morning.
I felt guilty for cutting this yellow rose off the plant, but it makes me smile sitting on my desk.
Cierra and Jager.
Jager, looking comfy.
My sit-up helper is not really helping.
The girls, relaxing in the yard.
Jager has made it her passion in life to chase the birds from the hummingbird feeder to the fence. I'm sure if the birds could talk they could cuss out Jager.
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