Watching the horses. There are five: Ike, Doc, Cracker, BiBi, and Ollie. They are all over 20 years old.
My little bee eater is focused on the bee's.
Goin' in for the kill...
Pttthhh... yucky...
Looking for another bee to eat.
BiBi and Doc's butt.
"You scratch me and I'll scratch you".
Cracker. He's 28 years old.
Ike. He is also 28 years old. He has a much studier body than Cracker, genetics I guess.
Cierra, relaxing in the shade. She's in Ollie's pen, but Ollie is afraid of her and is far, far away.
Cierra looking up at Ike.
Ike and Cierra.
Ike and Cierra.
Doc nibbling on BiBi.
Doc likes to lick things.
Horse spit, yuck.
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