“Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.” ― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

22 August 2009

Puppy Luv

Do you ever feel simply overjoyed to be alive? Breathing? Well? Alert? Able to see straight in the daylight?

Earlier this week, I had a headache that knocked me on my butt for a few days. Not just for hours, but for days. It was more than just a headache, it came with all sorts of other less than glamorous ailments. But, I am better now.

Driving to my mom's house today, I thought that everything was beautiful: the blue skies, the billowing white monsoon clouds, the mountains, the saguaro; and just what is the name of those bushes covered in purple flowers in my neighborhood? And, when will it cool off enough that I can hike that mountain again?

You get the idea.

In the meantime, Cierra got to stand on the table for some photos.

Oh, one last thing: today when I left my mom's house I told Cierra "hup", my little word for lets go, get in, jump up, whatever... as I was walking around to the back of the car to open the hatchback, I see her jump Dukes of Hazzard style through the open drivers side window and without touching anything, land in the passenger seat. V-e-r-y clever Missy but get in the back.

Well, one of us had to have our eyes closed.

Overprotective mom grip.

Distracted Dog.

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