“Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.” ― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

25 May 2009

Memorial Day Hike at Lake Pleasant

First stop: the Agua Fria river for a nearby geocache.

Next stop: Lake Pleasant
Little green things in the water :o)

See the turtle?

Cattails galore :o) I like cattails.

Eek! Spider! (Just kidding).

Same spider after I touched it. Some people's children.

The stream and the cattails.


Curly leaf.

Same curly leaf with a skeeter.

Baby versions of the curly leaf. I think these are giant weeds growing along side my favored cattails.

More cattails.

Lucky shot, butterfly.

This is for James.

I leaned my arm on a tree branch to steady my camera to get these spider shots. As I did that, another spider crawled on my arm. I took my pictures and the spider walked off my arm. While the spider was on my arm I had a mental picture of watching myself jump up and down, shrieking like a manic because a spider was touching me, but everything turned out ok. I don't even think my hiking buddy knew I was on the verge of an "insect is touching me meltdown".

Lake Pleasant hiking scenery, this is why I come here.

I *heart* you

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