“Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.” ― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

22 October 2011

Sleepy Suki

We had Suki spayed. She varies from stumbling like a drunk, excessively hungry, very sleepy, awake and playful, touch me, don't touch me, let me sleep, etc...she has claimed three of Cierra's "stuffies" as her own.
[Click on photos to view a larger image]

"This one is mine, I'm touching it, it's mine."

"Both of these are mine, I'm touching both of them, you can't have them, ever."



A friend gave us a fancy small dog carrier and Suki has been sleeping in it. It has a nice fleece pad in the bottom, I'm sure it's comfy for my kitty.

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