“Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.” ― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

13 October 2009

Horse Care Boot Camp, Day 4, Part 2

Random photos...

Ike, QH, age 27

Ike, QH, age 27

Cracker, Arabian, age 27

Olive, QH, age 22; and I think that's Doc's face.

Ike, QH, age 27

Olive, QH, age 22

Cracker, Arabian, age 27

Olive, QH, age 22

Olive, QH, age 22

Ike, QH, age 27

I think this is Doc's eye. I don't have any whole body shots of Doc because he's always in my face. He's the nibbler, he likes to fiddle with my clothes, my arms, my hair and my water bottle.

Cracker's eye.

Road Kill Kitty having some milk.

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