“Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.” ― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

27 October 2009

Honey, I'm Home!

I'm home!

I have a mountain of laundry (most of it my own); my houseplants were so thirsty they were begging for mercy; I think everyone is glad I'm home. I cook, I clean, I bake cookies, what's not to be happy about? ;o)

My son gave me wonderful news today: "GML has earned admission to the University of Arizona as a Veterinary Science major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences!" -- that means that both he and his girlfriend will be attending the University of Arizona in the Fall of 2010! YAY!

Our foster dog, Charge relaxing in the yard.

Cierra sitting outside with me while I was reading a book.

Oh how I love my puppy-girl!

Cierra the Hen, she looks like she's waiting for her ball to hatch.

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