“Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.” ― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

10 September 2014

Dogs, Dogs, Everywhere Dogs

Little Miss Hera. 
Kobe (back) and Rexx (front). 
Half of the pack.  
Mealtime.  Six of eight, two more are beside me. 
No modesty necessary.  Rexx had some post-neuter issues but has since healed.  
Good night Zane. 
My mom's cat. 
My mom's cat. 
Grocery store clouds. 
Rain!  We received about three inches of much needed rain. 
Hurray, rain; now where is our yard? 
Wet dogs, no you may not come in.
Rexx admiring himself in the TV's reflection. 
Riley at the dog park, we miss you Riley! 
Hera and Genghis. 
Love my Boca Bear. 
Hera and Genghis.  
Cierra and Zane.  
Vacuum cleaner repair. 
Despite all my helpers, I'm not getting a darn thing done. 
We visited a friends dogs, she has three: Sierra, Baron and Jayda. 
Sierra (Malinois), Baron (German Shepherd) and Jayda (German Shepherd).  This was the first time we'd met Baron and Jayda, Jayda is in the distance singing the song of her people. 
Baron warmed up fast.  
Pretty flower. 

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