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We left an unopened can of Dr Pepper in the truck. Unfortunately, it burst in the heat. Very messy.

Random inspiration:
"Don't be disappointed if people refuse to help you. Remember the words of Einstein: 'I'm thankful to all those who said "NO" because of them, I did it myself.'"
Yuki. He's about 16 weeks old in this picture.
Yuki loves Cierra, she can't go anywhere without her kitten following.
Stuffie love.
Puppy love.
When she rolls back on her hips like this, My Honey calls it a "puppy sit".
"Squeaky, squeaky, squeaky"
Not the smartest place to lay down.
Orchids at my mom's house. The white orchid had about 12 blooms on it:
Me and my girl:
Random flowers at my mom's house. The significance of this is that the packrats have not eaten the flowers yet.
Ike. He is 30 years old.
Cracker. He is also 30 years old. Last summer's hot weather was difficult for Cracker, this may be his last summer.
The buckskin is called Ollie.
My son is here, hurray!!!

This photo was taken by my son's friend Pancho at Imperial Sand Dunes, California.
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