[Click on photo for a larger image]
We had a couple days of light rain. But I decided enough with the lame excuses and Cierra and I went for an afternoon hike at Thunderbird Park.

Our tracks. We hiked 3 miles. Our highest elevation was 1,685 for an elevation gain of 388'. Thunderbird Park is a heavily used, mildly challenging area to hike.
Just past one of the picnic areas, up we go.
Views of the city. Too many people, too many houses.
Looking NW, towards home and Westwing Mountain.
Looking at 59th Ave.
On our way down.
More city views. The water is in the Arrowhead Lakes neighborhood.
Where we came from...
...and where we're going.
Looking up. On the top of the Palo Verde tree, using the cloud as a backdrop, there's a speck. It's a hummingbird.
As close as I could get, it's a bit grainy.
Lastly, some inspiration:

I have a lazy streak, and my lazy streak likes to eat chocolate cake and jalapeno chips (not at the same time). In honor of my mom's lifelong fight with kidney disease, I plan on being a living kidney donor in 2013. I want to use this time in 2012 to become more fit, and begin the screening process in the Fall of 2012.
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