Overall, Jager is doing really well and is happy. She eats well, she has gained a pound or two. We play everyday. I brush her daily, although her fur is different than Cierra's fuzzy fur. She slept with me the first few nights but now she sleeps in random places around the house. She knows her doggie-grandparents are next door.
[Click on photos to see them enlarged]
The girls have the same issue: their favorite toy is the one the other dog has.
There are three of these, but you would think there's only one.
Jager, in an unusual sleeping position with her duck tucked away for safe keeping.
Because a wet dog is a happy dog.
Jager, playing.
Jager's curious face.
I've transplanted my Valentine's roses and moved them outside. They're very happy.
Random bird.
My bird loving friend says this is a Purple Headed Housefinch.
Ready to go outside.
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