2009 New Years Eve Day Sunrise hike with James.
Cierra and I share the new year sunshine on our face after hiking White Peak.

On a ride with My Honey.
My Honey.
My grass sure was green last January. Cierra is lovin' the soft winter grass.
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to fly in Firebird One.
One of Firebird One's pilots.
Geocaching with James.
Geocaching at Lake Pleasant I seem to have lost my marbles...
...and then James found my marbles (in the upper right hand corner - see?).
My Honey is demonstrating how Cierra and I should "foos".
I photographed clouds from my back yard.
I photographed my happy girl in my back yard.
Hiking with James at Bartlett Reservoir. This is a photo is titled "Y? Because I said so!".
Hiking at Bartlett Reservoir.
Hiking with James and Cierra at Spur Cross Conservation Area (Cave Creek).

On April 1st my little boy turned 17 years old. (James is 4 in this photo).
Frankie's Alaskan crew came through on their way to Alaska.
I hiked the Black Canyon Trail with Mr. Bosseh-Pants to find some geocaches.
I hiked Spur Cross Conversation Area (Cave Creek) and found...
...spring flowers and bugs.
I got out of bed early one morning only to be replaced by my dog.

N350SB got a new paint job (she was solid black before). She has special meaning to me, she's the second helicopter I've flown.
Hiking with Cierra, Eastwing Mountain.
I lost two friends May 22, 2009 in a helicopter accident. The loss of Mike Gauchat and Donna Cullum still stings me. I continue to hold them near and dear to my thoughts and my prayers.
"High Flight", a poem I left at the accident site. It was found by Mike's close friend and read at the memorial service.
My friend Janice made this quilt for me. I will treasure her and the quilt always.
I am bewildered at how tall my son is.

My baby girl turned 12 years old. I love you and I miss you Sis.
I found her living by my back door. While beautiful, she's also venomous, I smushed her.
I took Cierra through an automated car wash, she LOVED it.

I scanned some photos from my baby book. This is my mom and my dad, and me.

My mom and me.
My cousins from Hawaii.
Frankie's Alaskan crew came through on their way to Bisbee, AZ for the Winter.
We brought home a foster dog, his name is Charge.
My Honey and I rode to Madera Canyon (Tucson) to see my son.
My Honey and I rode with Eric to Wickenburg. We were about to be come overtaken by a giant UFO shaped cloud. Luckily, we rode super fast. Ride movie here: Wickenburg

My friend Marc gave me a ride on our friend Mikey's bike. The twisty roads up Yarnell hill are always fun. We rode to Jerome, AZ.
I may or may not have turned 41.
I took Cierra to the park to play on the playground. Kids love this. Most parents are horrified that my 50lb GSD might eat their precious children. Some things simply make me snicker on the inside.
Sunset in Cave Creek, AZ. My mom was very sick and I stayed with her for two weeks to do her horse chores.
I fed the horses...
...and I fed the tortoise. And the cats, wild birds, wild rabbits, etc.
I drove out to Scorpion Bay Marina at Lake Pleasant.
I took Cierra to see a friends boat.
Cierra LOVED the boat. But, she's easy, she loves everything outdoors. Like her momma.
Cierra and I hiking Westwing Mountain.
Cierra with Charge at a dog fashion show. We were at the event to promote Charge as an adoptable dog.
I hiked Indian Mesa (Lake Pleasant) and ate lunch on the edge.
I photographed this leaf while hiking at SPCA (Cave Creek).
My girl was cold, and discovered she likes sleeping under a blanket.
My mom.
My friend Bill gave me a ride to meet James in the East Valley.
I went hiking with my son.
He found a way to make me feel even smaller.
Cierra likes to carry rocks while she hikes.
James beat me at Scrabble more times than I care to count.
I went to a geocaching event and I won a couple of small items.
I went on a New Years Eve Day hike with Mr. Bosseh-Pants. We also found several geocaches.
Sayonara to 2009. If I did all those things with limited resources (no job, no car, no cash, and no whining) then my possibilities for 2010 are without boundaries. I hope that 2010 brings much love, joy, and contentment to all.
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