Earlier this week, I had a headache that knocked me on my butt for a few days. Not just for hours, but for days. It was more than just a headache, it came with all sorts of other less than glamorous ailments. But, I am better now.
Driving to my mom's house today, I thought that everything was beautiful: the blue skies, the billowing white monsoon clouds, the mountains, the saguaro; and just what is the name of those bushes covered in purple flowers in my neighborhood? And, when will it cool off enough that I can hike that mountain again?
You get the idea.
In the meantime, Cierra got to stand on the table for some photos.
Oh, one last thing: today when I left my mom's house I told Cierra "hup", my little word for lets go, get in, jump up, whatever... as I was walking around to the back of the car to open the hatchback, I see her jump Dukes of Hazzard style through the open drivers side window and without touching anything, land in the passenger seat. V-e-r-y clever Missy but get in the back.

Well, one of us had to have our eyes closed.

Overprotective mom grip.

Distracted Dog.
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